Avvocato Aurora Cangiotti

Avv. Aurora Cangiotti

Born in Urbino on 03/03/1995

After graduating from the Raffaello language high school in Urbino, in 2014 she enrolled in the Faculty of Law at the Alma Mater Studiorum in Bologna, including law classes in English and the Legal English course in her university curriculum.

In 2018 she spent a one-semester period of study at the University of Pittsburgh, School of General Studies, with major in Legal Studies.

She graduated in March 2020 with a thesis in Criminal Procedure Law, supervised by Prof. Alberto Camon, entitled “The testimony of the child in the US and Italian system”.

In April 2020 she began the internship as a trainee lawyer. Since then, she has deepened the issues related to the administrative liability of entities, collaborating with the Arcangeli Law Firm and with Sea group, a service company for business, as a consultant for the drafting of Organization and Management Models pursuant to D. Lgs. 231/2001 and also attending a specific training course on the subject.

During the year 2021 she attended the Zincani School of Legal Training and in November 2022 she passed the barrister’s qualifying exam.

She has been a member of the Bologna Bar Association since January 2023.

Speaks English and French.

Collaborates with BRB law firm since July 2021.